The JiJi Foundation
About the Foundation
The JiJi Foundation is an exempt private foundation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation's purpose is to support conservation, research, and public education on environmental issues, primarily in the state of Baja California, Mexico.
The JiJi Foundation hopes that clarifying our grantmaking objectives below will help potential grantees determine how closely their activities align with our priorities. The objectives are as follows:
State of Baja California, Mexico:
- Build institutional capacity for NW Baja California organizations.
- Build the next generation of conservation scientists.
- Use world-class science to help set and implement terrestrial conservation priorities for NW Baja California.
- Build a financial pipeline for conservation priorities.
- Continue support for conservation priority sites, including San Quintin/El Rosario complex, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Sierra Juarez, and vernal pools.